Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm it!

10 years ago...Talk about a long time ago! I was twenty years old and that seems like forever ago! Tyler would have been turning two. Tyler and I would have been living at home with Grandma Darla. I would really like to tell you more but I really don’t want to go back to what I was doing ten years ago, because of the way thing turned out. I much happier with the now than I am with the past!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire... 1) Buy Chanel purses 2) Pay off debt 3) Buy a house 4) Share with my family 5) Save, save and save so I could drop out of school and never have to work again. Yes, I am a slacker!

3 bad habits... 1) I am very OCD! I love things so organized that I sometimes forget where I put them! 2) I procrastinate till the last minute, because I hate school 3) When I don’t have my fabulous fake nails on, I bite my finger nails horribly.

5 places I have lived...1) Pocatello, ID. That’s it, I have never been lucky enough to move out of this boring town, but I do plan on moving once I graduate from college.

5 jobs I have had...
1) Arctic Circle 2) ZCMI
3) Pocatello Police Department
4) Newspaper route 5) Mother

Some things you may not know about me...I hate to admit this but I have the biggest fascination with serial killers. I love reading about them, watching movies about them and researching them. I think that there minds and thoughts are the most fascinating thing in this world. I would love to sit down with one and talk to them. I love reading! I will most likely read anything, but of course my favorite is mystery. Once I start a book, even if I hate it, I will finish it. Jill and I are the only two in the Wallentine blood line (that I know of) that has a love for DIET PEPSI. I hate exercising! Last but not least I LOVE REALITY T.V.

I don’t know very many bloggers so I tag Julie and Crystal! Love ya!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

All For The Love Of Sports

I couldn't help but share this adorable picture of Tanner with you! This is not just a once in a life time picture. This happens every night of the week. Tanner has a ball in his hand every second of every minute. He is either throwing a football across my living room, bouncing a basketball of my stick garland, or practicing his baseball slide in my kitchen. Will this ever stop? Some please tell me that it will. Well, on the other hand tell me it won't because after my parent teacher conference with Tanners teacher, I had a change of heart. Tanner is now known in class for being the cutest boy. The girls chase him, write him love letters, and want to kiss his checks. When the teacher told me this I wanted to cry. HE IS ONLY IN THE THIRD GRADE!!! The sad thing is he LOVES it! He has got caught numerous of times for passing notes and teasing the girls. What is going to become of my little beetle bug? Someone help me! The innocence of this picture is now lost. His teacher shed a whole new light on him! Here are a few more pictures for you to enjoy!

I will have to admit he is adorable! I love this kid more than he will ever know! I am so glad that he is apart of my life, even if he does cause me stress.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sweeney Todd

There are two things in life that really and truly get me excited! No, there are not Tyler and Tanner, well not this time anyway. It is JOHNNY DEPP and MUSICALS! Tim Burton really must know what makes me happy, because he mixed the two and made me the happiest person around.

Unfortunately, I was once again disappointed because, when I went to go see Sweeney Todd on opening night, I was shocked to find out that it wasn't coming to Pocatello. I should have known! I was so distraught for weeks to come.

That was until it showed up at the two dollar theatre this last week! Not only do I have a love for these two things, but if you know the types of books I read you wouldn't be surprised to know that I was first in line and last to leave. I had to share my excitement with all of you because I have never been so excited in my life to go see a movie, just ask my poor friend that had to go with me.

This musical has taken the cake for my favorite! I loved it! The songs are so powerful and dramatic that it made me want to get all dolled up in the beautiful clothing and head to London with Johnny Depp on my side. He is my weakness. This is one movie that will be in my collection of Johnny Depps greatest movies.