Happy Halloween! The whole gang was ready
to go trick or treating at 3:00 and they didn't
stop until 8:00! By looking at the picture you can
pretty much guess what each kid was, but let me
tell you Tanner isn't a football player. Tanner
came home from school one day telling me that
he had thought long and hard about what he was
going to be for Halloween. I was thinking to myself
great he is going to want to be something elaborate
and expensive. Boy was I wrong. Tanner wanted to
go as his twin. So, that's what I let him be. Himself!
Tyler wasn't going to dress up because he thought he was too old until the night before he had to have a costume. So, I rounded up clothes from the DI pile and he went as a nerd! After about killing him for changing his mind, at last minute he cam home bragging that he got the award for best costume in the sixth grade.
Even Michelle got into the Halloween spirit!
She was a sparkling, glittery, princess ghost!
She was a sparkling, glittery, princess ghost!
Okay, Okay! I will admit it! I got in the spirit of Halloween myself.
boo to you too! the best part of your costume is the shoes! where's your bag??
xoxoxoxox m.
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