What more could a girl want when she is down in the dumps and feeling blue? A new pair of shoes of course. Who could refuse SHOE THERAPY? I can't, so meet my new edition!
When a girl is down in the dumps and feeling lonely there is nothing like going and finding the cutest pair of shoes! The weather is yukey and school is back in full swing. I needed shoe therapy and fast. Once I found that cute polka dot shoe, I couldn't wait to run home to put them with my others. Unfortunately, when I returned home I was struck with sadness once again. I was running out of room for all of my shoes. It was then that I realized that I might have a shoe fetish!
Then it occurred to me........A girl can never have to many pairs of shoes. They are like having a lot of really good buds. They are always going to be there, they won't leave you for a guy, and most importantly they aren't going to get jealous when you go out with a different pair. You can even gain a few pounds or lose a few and they are still going fit!